Berkshire-Tarnowski Forest Preserve
Berkshire Tarnowski Forest Preserve is located in the Tipton Till Plain of Indiana along Deer Creek. Sugar maple, cherry, ash, tulip, elm, hackberry, and red oak trees populate the mesic woods. The sedge-fern-forb layer of the forest strata boasts a skunk cabbage seep and displays of spring ephemeral wildflowers.
Much of the northern border along Deer Creek is flanked by mature woods located on a low bluff. The north-central…
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Carroll

Frogs’ Glory
The mature oak hickory woodlands feature grey squirrels, turkey, and deer. Spring wildflowers dappling the forest floor include crimson fire pinks, wake robin trilliums, and spring beauties. The prairie bursts with little bluestem, purple and yellow coneflowers; a habitat that invites diverse insect and birdlife.
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- Paddling
- Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Carroll

Heron Bottoms
A rich botanic site with skunk cabbage seeps, buttonbush/ blue flag iris openings and rich wet floodplain woods. The nights in the spring offer a cacophony of amphibian calls as the forested wetlands are breeding grounds for spring peepers, chorus frogs, and grey tree frogs.
The downstream end of the property is the USGS Owasco Creek gage. For information on the best flows for paddling at various points on the…
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Junior Ranger Activities
County: Carroll

McAllister Woods
McAllister Woods protects woods along the Wildcat, dominated by sycamore and silver maple, as well as a typical mixed hardwood forest on higher ground. 4.4 acres of the land was farmed when the Wildcat Creek Foundation acquired the land in May of 2005 and were reforested with hardwood species.
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Wildflowers
- Junior Ranger Activities
County: Carroll

Moyer-Gould Woods
Moyer-Gould Woods is predominantly comprised of open oak woodlands on rolling hills bordering the Tippecanoe River. The property features springs, seeps filled with skunk cabbage, and conglomerate bedrock outcrops with walking ferns and a variety of mosses within the forested matrix.
The bottom land woods along the river features an abundant population of Paw-Paw trees. Listen to the Paw-Paw Audio Story by Living on Earth, Public Radio International’s Environmental…
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- Trails
- Wildflowers
County: Carroll

Mussel Shoals
Mussel Shoals is an excellent example of riparian zones – stream edge to woodland. The myriad of wildlife and flora reliant on the stream make it an exciting habitat. The water levels change throughout the year, providing evidence of the variable nature of stream ecology.
After grabbing a sandwich and skipping some stones, the gravel bar is a good place to look for spent mussel shells while paddling down the…
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Junior Ranger Activities
County: Carroll

A wooded spot along Indiana State Scenic Waterway, Wildcat Creek. A ‘Wildcat Creek Reflections’ journaling station is present (thanks to volunteer Tabb Adams for designing, constructing and installing it!) for folks who want to contribute to the 100 year long project and voice a connection, insight, observation or idea about the Wildcat Creek.
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Journaling Station
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
- Paddling
- Wildflowers
- Junior Ranger Activities
County: Carroll

Weaver Family Nature Reserve
Weaver Family Nature Reserve is an island on the Wabash River north of Delphi in Carroll County. The island includes a Great Blue Heron rookery with over 100 nests. Public access is via the river. Please do not disturb the herons during nesting season – late March through June.
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Mushroom Harvesting Allowed
- No Trails
County: Carroll

Whistler Woods
Situated along the Deer Creek, Whistler Woods offers majestic views. Looking from atop the slate hillside down into the Deer Creek valley affords views of the meandering creek and forested creek valley. The trail leads down to the valley and up to the edge of the creek. Across the creek, a slate wall with water dripping from seeps gives a zen garden like feel to the property.
Evidence of…
- Bird Watching
- Fishing
- Wildflowers
County: Carroll